Monday, April 29, 2013


so full of drama.

sometimes though, you get those moments where honest discussion is going on and a complete stranger does the right thing, and all of a sudden you realize that there are good people in this world.

after the boston marathon bombings, I got a message in my 'others' folder from a random guy.  We don't have mutual friends, but I was highly active on libertarian groups about the happenings in boston. 

One issue that I was really stunned by was the call for people to classify Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (a naturalized citizen) as a domestic terrorist therefore nullifying any rights granted to him by the constitution to a fair trial.  Included in those who called for such actions were military personnel, who are of course, sworn to up hold the constitution of the United States. 

It was one of these soldiers who had messaged me. 

Still don't like the pro Muslim support...and the calls for a fair trial after all the stuff him and his brother did.

I've been over there 4 times. Nothin but hatred. I'm all for peace and understanding but you CANNOT do that with these people. They are truly less than human not because of their race but because of their views of other people in this world.

I get it.  I totally get it, is what I told him.  Your feelings are entirely valid. 

It just really saddens me that he seemed to be kind of surprised that I respected his views.  I don't know if the fact that I am a military wife makes a difference or not.  I have never been to war.  I don't feel like it's my place ever to judge someone when I have not walked in their shoes. This guy... I could tell by his writings, that he has been judged.

yet people wonder why soldiers are committing suicide due to PTSD in alarming numbers. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

DS still nurses and sometimes I really doubt myself if it's the 'right thing' for him, even if I *KNOW* it is the right thing for him.  I make the best educated choice for my kids but I can never shake that small voice inside my head away.  I drive myself batty even though I *KNOW* every child/parent relationship is different with different needs.  I worry that he'll be forever dependent on me emotionally, but I know he won't. 

Last weekend we went to the children's museum and he wanted to go on the climbing wall.  the spotters pull them up if they can't 'climb' until the child requests to stop.  zilla went up crazy high!  he actually didn't request to be brought back down.  his time was just up and the spotter had to bring him down.

I am glad that sometimes life reminds you in subtle ways that things will be ok.  I did mentally compare him with the other kids there and hate to admit it, but it felt so good.  I was proud of him not being afraid to go up so high.  Most of all I'm glad that I am not 'messing' him up - although I know I am not, nice to have reminders once in a while.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I had been so good at maintaining this thing and it fell apart.

It's still winter here.

next week will mark 6 months of snow and the weather isn't cooperating.  april is supposed to be the month of the melt - but this year, it is the month of record snowfall (1929).  It's not bad, as in it is still warm enough for all of us to bundle up and play outside.  Still, it's disheartening when you see about 6 inches of new snow when everyone else is celebrating spring.

Speaking of spring, I really want to start a garden this year.  I've done a decent job keeping my indoor plants alive (although I did almost kill them, I brought it back from the brink which is sadly giving me more hope about my gardening skills)

I was notified by an email from the command that paul will be deployed next year.  Horrible as it sounds, I wish I had not known.  The last two times he deployed I only had 3 weeks notice but this time I will be a nervous wreck for about a year.  It was so much easier for me when I had to buckle up and deal with it because there simply was not enough time to worry.  This time it just simply stews in my mind.  I think about it everyday and I know I would be thinking about it until it happens.

  I'll be thinking about it all summer.  :(