Thursday, August 23, 2012

a light.

I was not even awake to enjoy this momentous occasion that occurred last night. 

zilla went to sleep without nursing, in his bed, and did not wake up until morning.

I fell asleep while putting bean to sleep.  when my husband came to bed, it was too quiet.  usually he is calling/crying/whining for me.  I didn't hear anything. 

"is he asleep?"  I asked.

"yep."  my husband whispered.  "he just looked really tired and he fell asleep on the couch."

"did he call for me?"

"nope.  not really."


I had been looking forward to this day for... at least a year.  as my friend's children began to self wean themselves at two and a half.  I was pregnant and I wanted for him to wean.  maybe my milk drying up would do it.  nope.  he wailed for milk.  a month went by, another child of a friend of mine self weaned, but not my kid.  another month passed.  Tandem nursing loomed in front of me.  when zilla was two and eight months old, bean was born.  my milk came in and he was even MORE insistent on nursing.  with the emotional roller coaster that ensued, I hated nursing him, then I loved to nurse him. I wanted it to be over, then I wanted it to continue. there was a lot of tears, screaming, yelling.  There was a lot of , love, cuddling, and bedsharing.  through all that, one thought that loomed over my head constantly was 'when will this be over??'.

yet here I am feeling sad.

my zilla is growing up. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

so I had been getting better at the 'blogging' thing then not so much.

myka turned 9 months old.  she has 2 bottom teeth and that's it.  I thought she was teething but she got a case of roseola instead.   She loves to stand and cruise.  She loves to bother her brother.  even if he is sleeping.

speaking of brother, jake started sleeping through the night in his bed.  this has significantly improved my sleep.  I'm telling people, it WILL get better.  it may take longer than you thought, but it will. 

its already been 5 months since we moved here.  time is going by too fast!  now I have to say that we only have a year and a half left here in alaska :(