it has been eight weeks since lil boi's birth. I feel back to my normal self, even contemplating going out in -20 degrees with the kids on my own. then reality sets in and I have to feed the little boogers.
I decide to stay in.
It's almost march. thaw is coming soon and I just can not wait. Paul has been medboarded so instead of getting out of here in april, we can stay here for another summer (yessss), and I have been contemplating taking some spinning classes now that bean fares better with her dad. we will be here for another blueberry season. another summer. not to mention that paul has a few leave days he HAS to use. it also means he will be looking for a job. a job that will permanently settle us somewhere. he is contemplating Texas. watching shows about beef brisket BBQ may sway me, but I doubt it. I want snow. I want trees. Texas does not have snow or trees. I don't like sand. Texas is... sandy. I lived 10 minutes from the ocean for 26 years of my life and I purposely avoid the beach in california.
I really want to stay here in Alaska. I sneaked in a proposal for a job at a place called the alaska center for UAV integration. they have yet to find a security officer. I hope that we can stay... but it's not really my call. if the job is in houston, I will go and live with the sand.