Saturday, December 28, 2013

Baby J's birth story

baby jumping (zilla named him) entered this world on december 15th at 1447.  he was 7lbs 2oz just like his sister and 19in long. he shares his birthday with his great-grandma bettie, great-uncle tad, and aunt carole (all from the Mori side).

birth story

at 4 am I woke up to more 'real' contractions.  called the doula.  we went to the hospital at 6am since the contractions were about 3 min apart.  during the intake the nurse was skeptical because I was listening to my hypnobirthing mp3s, and my pain level was at zero.  lol.  she watched me on the monitors so she knew I was having them.  they told me maybe I am just dehydrated so they decided to check me.  if I was progressing in an hour, they would admit me.  being checked was the most horrible feeling!  I was 4cm, 50% effaced.

an hour later I was 6cm, 70% effaced so I was admitted.

things didn't really progress much after that.  I was walking, talking, so they didn't really feel like I was in active labor.   things even stalled for 30 minutes at one point :( they talked about pitocin (which was an absolute no for me).  they checked me again and I was only 7cm, but fully effaced.  after the stall they discussed breaking my water.  I agreed.  that was at about 1230.  Things started to pick up then.  I had three really intense contractions and I hypnobirthed through them.  later did I find out from my doula that I actually had SIX contractions.  I actually SLEPT through them! 

then the BAD news came. 

my blood pressure had gone up.  I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension in labor.  i would have to be constantly monitored.  that meant... no tub.

no. tub.

I was so devastated.  with bean's birth, the tub was a lifesaver when it came time to push. 

then I am pretty sure I hit transition.  my body had to move move move.  zilla was really helpful at this point.  we danced together, jumped together and marched together (yes I jumped during transition.  weirdest thing, ever.)   at the same time I broke down and cried for an epidural if I couldn't sit in the tub.  I KNEW that this was transition because of my break down.  I couldn't help it.  mentally I knew that he would be here soon, but my eyes wouldn't stop crying and my mouth wouldn't stop whining.  I could see the intensity of the contractions on the monitor as well, so I knew that this had to be it!  We went to the shower as a compromise then within minutes, my body just took over.  I remember holding on to him and shouting "oh my god!".  paul said I was about to fall down but I don't remember feeling that way.    I actually don't really remember what made me shout but with that, the nurse and midwife came rushing from their call station.  they asked me if I had the urge to push.  I didn't think I had to urge to, but the nurse and midwife knew from my vocalizations that that the time was really close.  they told me that I had to get to the bed if zilla wanted to cut the cord since if I gave birth in the shower they would have to get him to the warmer ASAP since I would be wet.  I focused and I was able to walk to the bed.  I sort of got on to the bed and I had to push in a weird squatting position because I just froze without completely laying down.  J was born in three to four pushes.  All I was concerned with (again) was if I was gonna poop or not.  lol. 

everything is a blur after that.  J was placed on my chest and I had to be patted down since I was still sort of wet.  zilla got to cut the cord and meet his new baby brother.  bean had fallen asleep in dad's arms during this entire thing. It made me wonder if nature has it's way of doing that.

baby J is doing great.  everyone has settled down.

and what do you know, zilla doesn't like baby milk.  he says it tastes like watery spinach.

He has OFFICIALLY weaned!