Yuppp! we are excited to announce that #3 is on it's way and the greatest part of this is 12 weeks in, paul is still in the US.
so they say, third time is the charm. ;)
I have hardly felt any nausea. they say the third one is always... different. this time it has been different in a good way. with zilla and bean I wasn't really sick but still semi-nauseated so preggo pops were my lifesaver. I did have a few days where I needed some but I could count those days on one hand. I've been craving junk food again which has happened in both pregnancies. Roast beef and horseradish sandwiches has been an odd out of nowhere craving. we were at base camp and I just wanted MOAR HORSERADISH!!! lady brought some out and said it's really strong. I finished most of it (I had already finished half my sandwich. LOL) we went to go look for it at the store and it's been a learning experience. It's hard to find horseradish anything without HFCS! well, we did find some annie's horseradish mustard and it keeps the craving at bay but not exactly what I am looking for.
zilla is convinced that baby b (short for baby 'brother') is a boy. His logic is though, that he already has a sister. according to my friends in bean's DDC, that seems to be a running thing amongst older siblings.
bean seems to be ready too. I was nursing her for bed and I didn't want to tandem nurse. I told zilla to wait until she was asleep, instead of being ok with that, bean pointed at my other breast and insisted that they nurse together. sheesh! lol. she also kisses pictures of zilla when he was a baby and she is so taken by them. we have a book with babies faces on them and she loves it. I hope she knows what she is getting in to.
I'm still afraid of sibling resentment. I don't resent my brother and sisters at all but I do resent how they were used by my mom to control me. they were never meant to be 'used' that way. I don't want my kids to have that kind of feelings towards each other either. I am again, contemplating a home birth. zilla is REALLY interested in the baby especially after reading the homebirth book. he wants me to go to the hospital NOW to bring home a baby! He wants the baby to play xbox with him. he wants to play sword games with him. I have to keep telling him that the baby has lots of growing up to do. ;)
I really can't wait to see how these littles grow up.