Saturday, October 20, 2012

october so far...

WiP:  pinwheel sweater for bean.  I found worsted cotton 75% off at fred meyers in purple and blues.  WOOT. 

halloween costume for zilla completed!  He is going to be Jake from the Neverland Pirates.  He wore the costume today while watching the show.  I drafted my own vest with the collar.  not perfect but it was pretty fun.  edging.... sigh!  I used satin blanket trim.  BIG mistake.  the edging took longer than the whole costume due to using the most slippery fabric known to sewing kind?  LOL!  it worked out in the end.  it looks fantastic. 

bean will be a pirate.  I found zilla's first halloween costume!  I am going to make a tulle tutu for it in red and black. 

pumpkins still need to be carved which will probably be done this weekend.

SNOW!  it snowed for 3 days straight.  the snow pack has formed and gravel has been laid in parking lots everywhere.  It is pretty exciting and scary at the same time.

bean stood up on her own today.  walking is imminent!  she looked to excited to do it.  

Tomorrow we'll be heading to pioneer park for a family trick or treat event.  a little scared?   not of the ghouls but of the cold.  thinking about posting pictures here when I finally figure it out.  lol.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I'm doing some freelance Japanese fact checking and this is all freaking me out.  first of all, I know that I would never be a journalist (haha).  second of all, when I am in an english speaking environment, I will freak out in Japanese.  when it is in a Japanese speaking environment, it'll be in english (LOL). 

I really have to brush up on my Japanese.  I am really losing the skill.